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1. abbess (noun) - a woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns
2. abbey (noun) - a religious residence or complex, typically of monks or nuns, under the authority of an abbot or abbess
3. abbot (noun) - the superior or head of an abbey or monastery
4. abbotship (noun) - the office or position of an abbot
5. abbotcy (noun) - the jurisdiction, status, or term of office of an abbot
6. abbreviated (adjective) - shortened or abridged in length, typically by omitting letters or syllables
7. abbreviation (noun) - a shortened form of a word or phrase
8. abbe (noun) - a title given to certain French ecclesiastics, such as archbishops or bishops
9. abbevillian (adjective) - relating to or characteristic of the earliest stage of the Paleolithic period, distinguished by the use of hand axes
10. abbr. - an abbreviation for "abbreviation"

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