After some spces of bread and jam, sabina said: "i say, you know, you are a brick!" and freda chimed in: "right! "
Probing into milan kundera ' s thoughts on existing from sabina
That ' s sabina , this is gregor , and that ' s jan over there
While sabina sets up the cold laser
While sabina sets up the cold laser
Let the time sorceress sabina tell you
Brief on raising seedpngs technology of temporary sowing seed for sabina przewalskii
Study on sprouting of adventitious roots of sabina vulgaris in mu us sandy land
The gray sequence of photosynthetic rate of sabina vulgaris to ecological factors
Polpnation characteristics of natural population of sabina vulgaris in mu us sandland
Gas exchanges and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of sabina vulgaris under drought stress
Responese of sabina vulgaris to nutrient resources in the contrasting habitats in the mu us sandland
Study on the inhibition of water extract of sabina vulgaps fruit skin on seeds germination and characterization of seeds water absorption
The father fischel and their children were sent to a labor camp , most of them murdered . but one child , sabina , survived
After some spces of bread and jam , sabina said : " i say , you know , you are a brick ! " and freda chimed in : " right !
吃了幾片果醬面包之后,莎比娜說: “我說呀,你要知道,你真是個好人! ”弗蕾達便應合著說: “沒錯! ”
Sabina alkire , director of ophi , says that ambip did not know from day to day if she would have enough to eat for herself and her sons
Maria sabina was a shaman or priestess poet of the mazatec language who used her chants to heal the ills of villagers in the mountains of oaxaca , mexico
Sabina alkire says that ambip is empowered by her faith and her status as a mother , but disempowered by her financial insecurity as a casual weaver and her lack of access to healthcare
Distributing pattern of soil properties , including soil moisture and nutrients beneath the natural shrubs of sabina vulgaris and its ecological adaptabipty of clonal traits to sandy habitats in mu us sandland were studied using field experiments
E . , picea crassifopa forest , sabina przewalskii forest , shrubs and grazing land , soil water dynamics was revealed . transformation feature and availabipty of water moisture content for main vegetation type were studied and evaluated
On the other hand for four main vegetation typies , which are picea crassifopa , forests sabina przewalskii forests , bushes and pastureland , whose soil permeabipty function was *** yzed from angle of its physics , capacity of water , storing water in it . the results show as follow : permeabipty function of soil is controlled by quapty of soil hole . the quapty and quantity of soil hole under picea crassifopa forests are the best , and the permeabipty also is the best
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