英语学习资料:流浪地球票房逾37亿 破北美市场的五年票房纪录


Chinese sci-fi blockbuster "The Wandering Earth" has taken second place in China's all-time box office as of Sunday afternoon, according to Maoyan, a professional box office tracker.

The film, released on Feb 5, earned over 3.7 billion yuan ($547 million) as of 4:00 p.m. Saturday, surpassing Operation Red Sea to bee the second most successful film in the Chinese box office. 截至周六下午4点,这部于2月5日上映的电影,票房收入超过37亿元人民币(5.47亿美元),成功超越《红海行动》成为中国票房第二大最成功的电影。 It also broke Chinese film's five-year box office record in the North American market, according to Shanghai-based CMC Inc., who was responsible for the film's distribution in the region.

"The Wandering Earth" is based on a short story with the same name by Liu Cixin, China's top Chinese science-fiction writer and the first in China to win the prestigious Hugo Award. The film tells a story of an epic project to move the Earth and its 3.5 billion residents to a remote star system in the near future because the sun is dying and is about to swallow up the Earth.
《流浪地球》是基于中国顶级科幻小说作家刘慈欣的同名短篇故事改编的,刘慈欣是中国第一个赢得著名的雨果奖的作家。 这部电影讲述了一个史诗般的计划,即在不久的将来将地球及其35亿居民迁移到偏远的恒星系统的故事,因为太阳正在死亡,即将吞噬地球。



麦加大清真寺恐袭阴谋遭挫 一恐怖分子引爆了炸弹自杀

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