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Wsj : what ' s your workday pke now
《華爾街日報》 :現在你的工作日是如何安排的

Wsj : how is the arrangement working for now
《華爾街日報》 :目前的管理方式是如何運作的?

Of chinese wsj . visitors work in their pany s it departments

Wsj : who is hurting the most in this market
《華爾街日報》 :汽車市場上受挫最嚴重的是哪些公司?

Wsj : what is your asses *** ent of the u . s . auto market
《華爾街日報》 :你如何評價美國的汽車市場?

Wsj : what about the non - u . s . auto market
《華爾街日報》 :那么美國之外的汽車市場情況又會如何呢?

Wsj : is there mercial demand for an electric vehicle
《華爾街日報》 :市場對電動車有沒有需求?

Wsj : what will the renault - nissan electric car look pke
《華爾街日報》 :雷諾和日產會生產什么樣的電動車?

Advertising running throughout chinese wsj . ( including text e - mails )

Wsj : are you fortable with the battery technology as it exists
《華爾街日報》 :你對現有的電池技術滿意嗎?

Wsj : can the emerging markets continue to grow at those rates
《華爾街日報》 :新興市場能保持住目前的增長率嗎?

Wsj : how did you handle the pressure the second time
《華爾街日報》 :第二次申奧的時候,你是如何處理當時面對的壓力的

Wsj : so what will the u . s . auto industry look pke in three years
《華爾街日報》 :那么未來三年,美國汽車工業的前景將如何?

Wsj : how long do you plan to remain ceo of both renault and nissan
《華爾街日報》 :你計劃還會擔任雷諾和日產的“雙料”首席執行長多久?

Wsj : so when it ' s all over , is there a native u . s . automobile industry
《華爾街日報》 :那么當一切塵埃落定時,美國還會不會有一個本土的汽車工業?

Wsj : how do you oversee o panies when one is based in tokyo and the other based in paris
《華爾街日報》 :一家公司在東京,一家在巴黎,你如何管理這兩家公司呢?

Wsj : how are you going to meet the challenge from china and india in the segment of low - cost cars
《華爾街日報》 :你將如何應對低成本汽車市場上來自中國和印度的挑戰?

Mccain will also push for generic biotech drugs and shifting some care to nurse practitioners , the wsj says

Wsj : in 1993 , beijing lost in its first bid to host an olympic games . tell us a pttle more about what it was pke to bid for the second time
《華爾街日報》 : 1993年,北京在首次申奧的時候失敗了.請談談第二次申奧的情況

Wsj : the chinese government wants to present a really positive view of china . could such an approach lead to negative news being swept under the carpet
《華爾街日報》 :中國政府希望展示中國真正積極的一面.這樣會不會造成負面新聞被掩蓋起來

Wsj : what is nissan ' s position on washington ' s new energy legislation that raises average fuel - economy standards by 50 % in the next 15 years
《華爾街日報》 :華盛頓方面制定了新的法律,要求在未來15年,將平均燃油經濟性的標準提高50 % ,日產對此有何看法?

The 49 economists expect home prices , measured by the government ' s office of federal housing enterprise oversight index to fall by 0 . 5 percent next year , the wsj reported on its web site
被調查的49位經濟學家認為,在2007年中,由美國聯邦住宅企業監督辦公室制訂的房屋價格指數將會下降0 . 5個百分點。

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