

zhiyongz 3个月前 (10-09) 阅读数 59 #生活百科


一、试听入口 网址链接:https://y.qq.com/n/ryqq/songDetail/003waPLv1Ntd5W 1、这首歌的歌名是《Midnight City》,是一首非常经典的BGM; 2、被大家和R星的logo放在一起用来整活,把各种影视神剧的精彩镜头借助R星的游戏宣传片风格进行二创; 3、最终带来的是一种华而不实的沙雕作品,也是GTA5电台中经典的歌曲,模仿GTA的宣传片,给大家带来无限乐趣; 《抖音》R星出品必属精品视频BGM歌曲介绍二、歌词分享 Midnight City (午夜城市) - M83 Lyrics by:Justin Meldal-johnsen/Anthony Gonzales Waiting in the car Waiting for the ride in the dark At night the city grows Look at the horizon glow Waiting in the car Waiting for a ride in the dark Drinking in the lights Following the neon signs Waiting for a word Word Looking at the milky skyline Skyline The city is my church The city is my church It wraps me in its blinding twilight Twilight Waiting in the car Waiting for the ride in the dark Waiting in the car Waiting in the car Waiting for the ride in the dark Ride in the dark Waiting in the car Car Waiting in the car Waiting in the car Waiting for the ride in the dark Waiting in the car Waiting in the car Waiting for the ride in the dark 三、歌曲评论 1、R星 给我们普通人一个 永远不敢想的梦! 2、你宁愿花648买一套衣服,都不愿意花59买下一座城市! 3、众所周知GTA三大巨头:话痨 游泳健将 兄弟情深! 《抖音》R星出品必属精品视频BGM歌曲介绍四、侠盗 Midnight City 超震感



