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Throughout history, books have disseminated the ideas and discoveries of the world’s most influential thinkers.


Now a new survey has shown that half of the top 10 ‘most valuable’ books – as voted by the British public – were written by eminent scientists.


The poll by The Folio Society set out to select the most valuable works to the human race and authors of those picked include Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, as well as George Orwell and Harper Lee.


Two of the top three titles were written by scientists. Darwin’s The Origin of Species gained 35 per cent, while Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time gained 17 per cent.


But the Bible was voted the most valuable text overall with 37 per cent of the votes.


Interestingly, 37 per cent of people living in the south of the UK voted for Charles Darwin’s seminal scientific tome, but 41 per cent of northerners opted for the Bible.


The study, conducted by YouGov for the publisher, asked over 2,000 members of the British public which three books from a list of 30 they considered to be the most valuable.


The measure for selection was not by popularity or by the enjoyment experienced in reading the book.


Participants were asked to rate the influence and significance their selected books have had on the modern world.


Other scientific works included: Relativity by Einstein with 15 per cent of the vote and Principia Mathematica - a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell – with 12 per cent of votes.


The Double Helix, which is an autobiographical account of the discovery of the structure of DNA written by James D. Watson, also made the cut in tenth place.


Classic works of fiction also made up the top 10, including George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, which came in fifth place and Harper Lee’s classic To Kill A Mockingbird at number seven.


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